1.1. Recover (恢复) 中间件

Recover 中间件从 panic 链中的任意位置恢复程序, 打印堆栈的错误信息,并将错误集中交给 HTTPErrorHandler 处理。



1.1.1. 自定义配置


e := echo.New()
  StackSize:  1 << 10, // 1 KB

上面的示例使用了 1 kb 的 StackSize 和默认值的 DisableStackAllDisablePrintStack

1.1.2. 配置

RecoverConfig struct {
  // Skipper defines a function to skip middleware.
  Skipper Skipper

  // Size of the stack to be printed.
  // Optional. Default value 4KB.
  StackSize int `json:"stack_size"`

  // DisableStackAll disables formatting stack traces of all other goroutines
  // into buffer after the trace for the current goroutine.
  // Optional. Default value false.
  DisableStackAll bool `json:"disable_stack_all"`

  // DisablePrintStack disables printing stack trace.
  // Optional. Default value as false.
  DisablePrintStack bool `json:"disable_print_stack"`


DefaultRecoverConfig = RecoverConfig{
  Skipper:           defaultSkipper,
  StackSize:         4 << 10, // 4 KB
  DisableStackAll:   false,
  DisablePrintStack: false,

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